This was written on the evening of May 20th. The night before the predicted end of the world. It sat for a while on my computer and while the world is obviously still around, I think it is still relevant. Particularly on Memorial day when we take time to remember so many whose lives were cut short. -tim
As I write this, there are a large number of people around the world who believe by this time tomorrow, the world will have ended. Actually, I think the they predict the end of the world is in October but tomorrow will be judgement day.
This is all based on one man's interpretation of the Bible. Because this one man has a lot of money and a worldwide radio network, a lot of people have bought into it.
As a Christian, I believe that Jesus will return one day and that there will be a day of judgement. I also believe it when the Bible says that no man can know the day. It may in fact be tomorrow if that is what God wills or it may be May 22 or it may be hundreds of years from now. I don't know. I just believe that one day it will happen.
I have seen a lot of the media coverage about Harold Camping and those that believe his prediction. I have also taken the time to hear his words for myself. It is pretty fascinating really. Considering what he is saying is unlike anything I have ever heard or read from any theologian in the past, the man is either out of his mind or a prophet along the likes of Moses and Elijah. You can probably guess which I think he is.
But the point of this is not to debate the merits of his claims or even necessarily about Christianity in general. Though I certain would be willing to discuss that if someone wants. No the point is that being surrounded by all the end of the world coverage helps to remind me that we never know how much time we have.
Somewhere someone is walking out their front door and they will never walk though it again. Someone is driving to work and will never make it there. Someone is sitting in a doctor's office terrified by the news they have been given. We just don't know. None of us are promised tomorrow.
So what does that mean for today?
Perhaps, we should live a bit more like tomorrow is the end of the world. I don't mean in a piss away all your money and getting loaded kind of way but in a saying what has been left unsaid kind of way.
Pick up the phone and call that friend or relative you have been holding a grudge against and offer them forgiveness even if you don't think they deserve it. Tell those you love, just that, you love them. Life, however long it is, is not long enough for all the pettiness and crap that we fill it up with.
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