Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Summer Has Taken Off

After a slow start to our summer, we have seen a flurry of activity over the last few weeks.  We spent the first week and a half after the end of school dealing with one illness or another. Our time was filled with long, slow moving days as one member or another of our family was ill and we had to stay close to home.  Then, starting with Caelyn's date things just took off and I have been treading water ever since.

While the discovery of Caleb's peanut allergy was an unwelcome adventure, most of it has been quite fun.  There are many stories to tell and I plan to do so in more detail over the next week or so but for now, here is the recap.

Since Caelyn's date we have had Caleb's allergic reaction to peanuts and his first trip to an allergist a little over a week later.  Kerry and I are now learning to read labels on everything and to check out every restaurant, fast food joint and food vendor before giving anything to our son to eat.  This has not been fun.

However, most of our time has been spent more enjoyably.

The last few weeks have seen two trips to Madison Square Park with the kids for concerts.  It has seen Caelyn earn her red striped belt in Taekwondo.  There was the fourth of July parade and town picnic.  Caelyn has acquired a new bike while Caleb has staked his claim to her old one.  I think he likes that it is pink and purple.

There have been play dates, playgrounds and of course, there was our mini vacation in the Poconos.  While there Caelyn and I hit the Warped Tour in Scranton and Kerry and Caleb hit the playground and the woods of Big Bass Lake.  The whole family went to visit a train museum in Scranton.  The weekend there brought lake time and a late night at a county fair complete with a fireworks display. We came home needing a vacation from our vacation.

It doesn't look to slow down any time soon.  The next couple of weeks will see us planning Caelyn's birthday party which is always a time consumer.

Next week there will be at least one more concert and starting in August, Caelyn will have a week of gymnastics camp followed by a week of dance camp and then cousin Kali arrives for a few days.  Nana will be here around Labor Day and then school will start again.

I started out this summer wondering what I was going to with the kids and if they would bored.  Now I am just trying to keep up with all that is going on.  It's a pretty cool feeling.