Monday, September 13, 2010

First Day of Kindergarten

Today our daughter took her first big steps into the grown up world.  Sure, she as a long way to go but in my mind, today was that first step.  It was the first day of kindergarten.

She went to preschool last year.  It was a great experience for her.  She had wonderful teachers who laid down such an incredible scholastic foundation that I imagine much of kindergarten will be nothing more than a reminder for our daughter of what she has already learned.  That said, preschool seems to me like a rehearsal and kindergarten is opening night.

Today was the opening curtain on a play that should last for at least another thirteen years.

Caelyn has been looking forward to this day for a while.  At first, we started to play it up to help with her sadness at the end of preschool.  It gave her something look forward to when she got upset about her old teachers and friends. 

Then one day while driving home, I pulled the van over in front of the empty school.  I got her out and showed the school to her.  I explained it was where she would be going to kindergarten. She stared at it wide eyed with a little disbelief.  From then on, she was looking forward.  Every time we drove past the school, she would get excited and yell, "My school.  There's my school."

During the month of August, the school or it's PTA (I am not sure which) planned a couple of play dates for incoming kindergartners.  We went to both and Caelyn made friends with future classmates.  The week before the start of class, an ice cream social was held for the kindergartners where they met their teachers for the first time and got to see their classrooms. With each event, her excitement only grew.

Finally, today was the day.  The day our daughter took those first steps into a bigger world.

I packed her lunch up into her princess lunch box.  I then placed it into her Ramones book bag that she received courtesy of Aunt Melina.  When it was time to get dressed, she put on the pretty new outfit her mother had bought for her the other day then on went the two old, dusty, beat up mismatched pink and purple Chucks.  The princess lunch box in the Ramones bag and the pretty new clothes with the beat up Chucks, I can't think of a better way to describe our daughter.


When it was time to go, Kerry and I loaded our son in the stroller and the whole family walked Caelyn to her first day of school.

We walked her to the classroom where she was quick to leave us behind. 

(Walking her through the courtyard)

(This picture got to me when I saw it.  She looks so little walking next to me in the school.)

She made herself at home and thanks to the above mentioned play dates, already had friends in the class.

(Hugging her new teacher)

(Presenting the student teacher with a picture she drew before school)

(Urg. Why did it have to be boys?)

(Making herself at home)

Kerry and I stood around and watched a little bit.  We spoke to other parents who were doing the same thing.  Caleb decided it was to be his first day of school as well and proceeded to dig out his Cheerios cup and make himself at home with the toys and activities around the room.

Finally, it was time to go.  We had to get Caelyn's attention to say goodbye and we left.  It was an emotional moment for me.  I can't quite put it into words but I imagine it wasn't that different from what every other parent was feeling.  Pride, sadness and a little bit of fear probably.

When it was time to pick her up, we left extra early.  I really wanted to know how her first day went but that is not why we left as early as we did.  Caelyn school ends at 3:05.  Her Tae Kwon Do class starts at 3:50 so we wanted to make sure we could park close to the school.  We arrived about 25 minutes before dismissal and were far from the first parents there.

Caelyn came bounding out of the doors right on time.  The excitement was all over her face as she ran to her mom so fast she couldn't really get a picture.  Caelyn was excited and happy and ready to go back tomorrow.

(Caelyn showing me her school work)

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