My son Caleb doesn't really get a lot of coverage in this blog. Most of the post's are about my daughter. It's not that there is bias, I love both my kids, but my son doesn't do a whole lot yet that makes for interesting reading.
Part of this is because his life revolves around Caelyn's schedule. He has Gymboree and Music Together but most of his outings are dictated by his sister's activities. He comes along for her Taekwondo and dance classes. He goes with us on her play dates. It is just the existence of a two year old in a five year old's world.
The other reason he doesn't get a lot of coverage is because his activities are pretty much the same every day. He eats and sleeps. He watches some t.v. He screams and throws a lot of tantrums. He starts fights with his sister by pulling her hair or taking the one toy she has decided to play with. If he is not doing one of the things mentioned above, he generally is either tearing something apart or just throwing everything he can reach on the floor.
It's fortunate for Caleb that he is so cute or else he would be one of the most hated kids at the do jang and dance studio. He is every bit the two year old boy with a vengeance.
Which brings me to something that scares me terribly. I get a lot of parents with older children who watch his antics and say to me, "They are so much fun at that age." This shocks me because they aren't, not really. He is not much fun most of the time. Just ask his mother who almost had a large clump of hair pulled out by the roots yesterday. It's not much fun at all. I can't wait for him to grow out of it.
Sure, there are times that are cute and clever and I enjoy them immensely but for every cute thing he does, there are probably 20 tantrums or bouts of destructive behaviour.
So I wonder about these parents. Did they somehow have perfect two year olds? Maybe they are the type that look back at that time and just forget the screaming fits and tantrums. Or are things so bad now that their kids are older that handling a two year old seems easy by comparison.
I guess I'll find out in about a little over 10 years when he becomes a teenager.
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