Monday, June 27, 2011

Day With a Sick Daughter

I have a sick daughter today.  Nothing serious.  According to the doctor it's just your run of the mill make you feel like crap virus.

Caelyn started coming down with a fever yesterday at church.  Looking back at how she was acting before we left for church, she was probably coming down with it then but we had no idea.  We just figured she hadn't slept well.

When we got home and checked her temperature, it came in at around 104.  I know some people who read this think that is high but we didn't even blink.  We've been there too many times before.

Caelyn and fevers have a long history of taking things to the extreme.  She almost never gets a temperature of 101 or something like that.  It's either normal or at least 103.  Once her temperature was so high the doctor's response was, "Well, if she was going to have seizures, she would have done it by now."

So, 104 did not particularly alarm us.  We treated it with medicine that knocked it down to 101 where she was much more comfortable.

There is nothing and no one so pitiful as Caelyn when she is feeling ill.  She whines and whimpers.  She complains over and over again about this or that not being right. Everything is a battle and her volatility goes off the scale.  It is a fight to get her to eat or even take medicine she knows will help her.  Any and every little thing can set off a meltdown.  The only thing she wants to do is curl up and whine.

This morning I gave Caelyn some medicine to take.  She had finished the flavor she liked so she had to try something new.  The result was Caelyn throwing a fit about how she didn't like the taste.  She finally drank it but because she had gotten herself so worked up, she spit a bunch of it up on her nightgown.

Once I cleaned her up, it was time to take her to the doctor's where after a strep test came back negative, he declared it the above mentioned virus.  Considering I know of at least 2 other families with kids with similar illnesses, I imagine it is just one making the rounds.

Much of the rest of the day was spent on the couch with Caelyn.  Fortunately, her brother took a very long nap giving Caelyn time to rest and even sleep a bit.

As I write this, Caelyn is in her room with her mommy trying to go to sleep.  Hopefully, she will sleep better tonight than she did last night and the fever will have broken by morning.  It's tough seeing your kid suffer, even when it is something as common as this.

I want to take it all away from her.  I want to be able to just reach my hand out and remove that which makes her feel so bad.  Unfortunately, I can't.  But what I can do is hold her, comfort her, and care for her until she feels better. Here's hoping that will be soon.

1 comment:

  1. Poor Caelyn! But she's a lucky girl to have a mommy & daddy who take such good care of her... and a little brother who naps when he should. (Sometimes.) We're sending good healthy wishes her way.
